Newspapers will continue to live after they shed their paper skin. Their rebirth (please specify further here) will be glorious, because...
3. Manipulation and bias online and offline
It can be argued that beyond pure censorship, media (newspaper, radio, tv) always “manipulate” the news in different ways when choosing, preparing and producing them. This can perhaps be avoided on the internet by combining multiple sources about the same event. Or does new technologies allow for ever-more-devious manipulation and bias online than what was ever possible offline? But filtering can on the other hand also be seen as a service (performed by software or an experienced editor). See further the concept of “filter bubbles”.
4. Diversified news organizations (“business models of the future”)
IDG publishes papers and organizes events and does professional recruiting. Everything works together synergistically Being a jack-off-all-trades and the center of a “relationship hub” with your customers/readers could be a template for future news organizations. Other news organizations will... (please specify further here).
5. Free news?
News are free of charge on the Internet. Or are they not? What are the present and future “costs” (personal, societal, integrity-wise) of reading “free news”?
6. Citizen journalism & crowdsourcing news
What is the future of citizen journalism? How could we all make it work? What would the advantages/disadvantages/implications be?
7. Is there too much news? Can there be?
Are there limits, can we saturate the news environment? Where is that limit and what does it look like? Will future technology help us master a super-saturated news environment or will it create such an environment?
8. Individualized news
We will have 100% customized and individualized news in the future! How will this come about? What will the implications be (for technology, for behavior, for society, for democracy)?
9. Interactive visualization of news
Mash-ups of news events, maps, comments, discussions and video - what will the “whole package” look like in the future?
10. News and speed (and technology)
What are the effects of speeding up news? What are the implications? What technologies (or social norms etc.) act to speed up or slow down the news flow? Slow journalism, anyone? Invent a speed-related scenario of news futures.
11. Online vs. offline
Being served the news (filtered, “curated”, lean-back, pull) vs having to filter and hunt for it yourself online (lean-forward, push). What is the future in terms of the (shifting?) balance between these two modes?
12. The future on local news
Sofie Abrahamsson talked about current and near-future trends. What is the future of local news in a 10-20 year perspective? Will we care about local news more than ever or not at all? If so, how?
13. Journalistic ideals vs new technology
How will traditional journalistic ideals (“watchdog function” etc.) fare in the digital world we move toward. Will new technologies strengthen the function of and the quality of news or will they undermine it?
14. The future of crap journalism
“Crap journalism” is a nightmare scenario to news people. But what is crap journalism and crap news? Do we have it today, will we have more of it in the future? Invent the future of crap journalism?
15. The medium is the message
How does the news medium shape the news? How does technology reshape that reshaping? What news “fit” newspapers, radio, TV and evolving digital channels? (example: an event is not “good news” on TV unless there are moving images capturing the event.)
16. The future of journalists
How does technology reshape the role of journalists? What does the future of journalists look like? Will they create content or “only” curate it?
17. News and background knowledge
How can the most recent events be combined with the offer to know more about the background of a news event? How can the very latest events (news) be combined with deep knowledge of underlying forces (history) through new technologies?
18. The future of censorship
Many countries suffer from censorship. Will recent and future technological developments help or undermine censorship? China, but also the US (Manning, Snowdon) comes to mind as well as Wikileaks etc.
19. The future of digital paper
Is there a future in-between paper and screens? What does that future look like?
20. News habits of the future
Examine present (“advanced”?) news habits (perhaps of a specialized group) and extrapolate to the future. What at the news habits of the future? How do new technologies enable new behaviors and habits?
21. News aggregators
Are news aggregators, rather than publishing houses the future of news? Will Google, Buzzfeed and Reddit choose news for you rather than DN, Aftonbladet and SvD?