Monday, September 30, 2013

Lecture 12 - Oct 2 (8-10) - Henriksson

Time & Place: Wednesday October 2 at 8-10 in lecture hall V3.

Guest lecturer: Ola Henriksson, Editorial project manager at Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) and Olle Zachrison, Business editor at Svenska Dagbladet.

Title: Engaging readers to contribute to the news

Talk: A media product is nothing without its readers/viewers/users. Digital media gives unique possibilities to make readers (viewers/users) more active and even to allow or invite them into the process of making the news. We will talk about how engaged readers can be a good source of news. What are the key things to bear in mind when launching such projects? We will exemplify with the specific SvD case/project "Räntekartan" ("The interest rate map") and discuss what has made that project outstanding. Last year "Räntekartan" won Stora Journalistpriset ("The Swedish Grand Journalism Prize").

About: Ola Henriksson is Editorial project manager at Svenska Dagbladet. He has been working as editor and news editor almost since the launch of digital news operations at Svenska Dagbladet. He as been deeply involved in several projects regarding the development of the news site during the last seven years 

Olle Zachrison is Business editor at Svenska Dagbladet. He has been working as a news journalist for the past ten years at newspapers, in online publications and in broadcasting. His former employers include Ekot Sveriges Radio, TV4, E24 and TV8.

- Quandt and Singer, (2009), "Convergence and cross-platform content production". In Wahl-Jorgensen and Hanitzsch (eds.), "The handbook of journalism studies". Available in Bilda.

Daniel's comment:
Here is the jury's motivation for why "Räntekartan" won Stora Journalistpriset:

"Olle Zachrison, Carolina Neurath, Jan Almgren, Mark Malmström, Peter Grensund och Ola Henriksson, Svenska Dagbladet (vinnare) för Räntekartan. Med tiotusentals läsares hjälp har de utvecklat konsumentjournalistiken. Rapporteringen har blottat orättvisor och gett läsarna nya möjligheter att påverka."


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