Friday, September 6, 2013

Instructions for seminar 1 (Sept 13)


We will have our first seminar next week on Friday (Sept 13 at 8-10 in Q33). Here are the instructions for the seminar.
1) Read the assigned literature that is available in Bilda (5 different texts, all in all around 50 pages). 
2) Prepare answers to the questions below and be ready to discuss your answers in class. Do note that you might personally be asked about your proposed answer to any of the questions below. We thus suggest that you prepare for the seminar by not just reading the texts, but by also taking down some notes to the questions below.

Fuller, "A new rhetoric for news": 
  • What measures should be taken to reinvent news and the rhetoric of news, according to Fuller?
  • What are Fuller’s main thoughts about the future of news, and what challenges we are facing?
  • Do you agree with Fuller? Why or why not?

Rosenberry & St. John III, "Public journalism values in an age of media fragmentation":
  • How does Rosenberry think that journalism fits into the future of news?
  • What is meant with the expression “fourth branch of government” and how is the general view of news media and journalism changing?

Schudson, "Defining journalism" and "Does news matter?"
  • Do you agree on Schudson’s definition of news and journalism? Explain why or why not?
  • What is Schudson’s main point when it comes to the power of media?

Van Dijck, "Social media platforms as producers":
  • Explain what van Dijck means with that the producer of social media is no longer a singular entity but is distributed among various levels.
  • Do you agree with him?

Shirky, "The collapse of complex business models"
  • What is Shirky’s main point?
  • What are the implications for news in terms of a) newspapers, b) radio, c) television and d) Internet?
  • Do you agree with him? Why or why not?

3) Finally, choose your one most interesting and insightful thought, idea, question or reflection - based on your reading of these five texts. Please write around 200 words (half a page of text - 150-200 words are also ok), print your text on paper and bring it to the seminar. Remember to write your name on the paper as your submission is proof of your attendance at the seminar! 

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