Monday, September 16, 2013

Lecture 6 - Sept 18 (10-12) - Pilhage

Time & Place: Wednesday September 18 at 10-12 in lecture hall Q36

Guest lecturer: Kerstin Pilhage, Director Business Development, The Swedish News Agency Group (TT Gruppen).

Title: The challenge facing News Agencies in a changing media market

Talk: News agencies worldwide have for more than a hundred years played an important role in creating and disseminating news. Today they are modern media companies with the aim of being the perfect media partner, with products and services that meet all the demands of its customers. In a time of disrupted business models, they are alos forced to look for new customers in new markets outside of traditional media.

About: Kerstin has a background in journalism. During the past 12 years, she has been a part of the management team of the growing TT group, holding a variety of different positions in the company. Between 2008 and 2012, she was the Manager of the Business Area News. As of last autumn, Kerstin is head of Business Development at the TT News Agency.

- Schudson, (2011), "The sociology of news". Please read chapter 7, "News sources", before the lecture.
- To get to know more about the TT News Agency:
- To get an overview of European News Agencies:
- To learn more about how the industry tackles challenges in the new media landscape:


  1. For those who were curious, here is the Indian version of, you'll see why that is obvious!

  2. I definitely recognize the Blocket feeling. I only wander what Sahipasand means?
