Sunday, October 6, 2013

Lecture 15 - Wed Oct 9 (13-15) - Naeve

Time & Place: Wednesday October 9 at 13-15 in lecture hall B1.

Guest lecturer: Ambjörn Naeve, Senior researcher in Knowledge Management and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), head of the Knowledge Management Research group at the KTH CSC and the ECE school.

Title: From news to views: Mapping knowledge that connects the dots

Talk: Mainstream journalism is driven by events, and being first often is often more important than being correct. Moreover, news are created by "rocking the boat" and staging "intellectual dog fights" (so called "debates") that are meant to stir up emotions - often without even trying to make sense of what is debated - because this supposedly "makes for great TV". 

Process-oriented journalism (such as e.g. Slow Journalism) takes a different perspective. It focuses on temporal evolution. Trying to integrate different perspectives as well as different cognitive and cultural assumptions into a global discourse for learning is an important aim of Disagreement Management. The key principle is Gregory Bateson's definition of information as "a difference that makes a difference" (Naeve 2013).

I will give examples of how to use modern knowledge management techniques and tools to support this kind of discource. Making them available to the public forms an important part of what can be called Asynchronous Public Service.

About: Ambjörn is a "civilingenjör" from Engineering Physics ("teknisk fysik") at KTH and did his Ph.D. at KTH in mathematics and computer science. He researcher focuses on knowledge management and technology enhanced learning. He heads the Knowledge Management Group which specializes in Communicative Modeling, Opportunistic Collaboration and Disagreement Management - based on techniques from Semantic Web and Linked Open Data. Ambjörn has been interested in reforming math education "forever" and his YouTube channel illustrates some of his endeavors along these lines.

Seminar preparations
- Please prepare for the seminar by reading this short text (225 words, use Google Translate if you can't read Swedish).
Task: Hanne Kjöller draws attention to the use of pre-chosen genre patterns for journalistic stories - notably so-called "victim journalism" ("offerjournalistik"). Try to think of other such story patterns that journalists make use of. What are their main characteristics?

- Naeve, A. (2013). Communicative Modeling of Cultural Transmission and Evolution using Abstract Holographic Cognition. The TripleC Journal on Cognition, Communication and Cooperation. Vol 11, No.1.


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