Our next seminar will be held Tuesday Oct 8 (15-17). We will meet in V32 which is lager seminar room but we also have access to V23. Here are the instructions for how to prepare for that seminar:
1) Read through all the 27 news- and future-related topics in the blog post directly preceeding this blog post. We have harvested these topics from your essays and from our guest lectures. Some topics are very brief, other topics are a little bit more elaborated.
2) "VOTE" HERE for your three favorite topics. These are the topics you could imagine yourself working with during the project phase, or, that you at least would like another group to work with during the project phase. Your vote is a vote on interesting topics - not a pledge of yours as to what you want/will work on during the project phase. NOTE: perhaps I was better at formulating certain topics than others - but your task is to see through and beyond the short descriptions and imagine what these topics could be developed into!
That's it. Your only preparations for seminar 3 is to read through the topics and vote!
3) NOTE: We all meet in the seminar room V32 for initial information. Please be on time as we will divide you into seminar groups as quickly as possible after we start! Late arrivals will have fewer options!
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