Time and place: Thursday October 17 at 15-17 in lecture hall D3.
Title: "Exception = Exceptional - alternative futures through big picture thinking in a creative process"
Guest lecturer: Milad Hossainzadeh, Ba(h) Dip.M.Arch
Talk: What happens to an idea when approached from different angles and different cultural views? Is there a limit on how radical an idea can be? What then are the social, cultural, behavioral, economical, political, technical and ecological consequences?
This lecture will explore how lateral and root-thinking can highlight an exception and expand our perception of what is possible to bring onboard into a concept. In order to push forward, we will expose the consequences of the exception and create temporary realities where we allow for a critical discussion to take place. The lecture aims to involve debate and discussion as well as spontaneous questions, so feel free to jump in...
About: Milad Hossainzadeh is a young architect and entrepreneur who was born in Iran. He grew up in Sweden and partly in London where he received his Masters from UCL The Bartlett School of Architecture. He is currently based in Stockholm, working at the leading Scandinavian architectural firm White. He shares his time as a member of Urban Land Institute and working strategically with international relations within the field s architecture, urban design, business development and start-ups. As an architect, he has an interest in optimizing the power of cultural innovation and systematic root thinking.
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